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tv   Good Morning Washington at 500  ABC  October 26, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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>> a real scare for the east coast. a couple days before halloween. live team coverage this morning as the east coast prepares for hurricane sandy. >> and the latest on the race for the white house.
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just 11 days to go until the election. >> you will not believe how far one man will go to snag world series tickets. neighbors feel his offer has a major catch. "good morning washington" at 5:00 a.m. begins right now. >> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> good morning, washington. it's friday, october 26. i am steve chenevey. i am cynne simpson. . good morning. now to jacqui jeras. >> a big storm dubbed "frankenstorm" because it is a freaky storm. right now it's a hurricane, but it is expected to look up with a cold front that is producing rain in the great lakes so it is kind of rare to see something like this coming together, like it did almost back in 1991 with
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a perfect storm. in the meantime we have tranquil weather today. it's foggy. 63 at reagan national, 62 at dulles at this hour. sandy is a category one hurricane with winds at 80 miles an hour, moving through the northwestern bomb was -- northwestern bahamas. 62 degrees at 9:00. mostly cloudy by noon, 68. 70 by 5:00 with a little sunshine by this afternoon. two days to go. more details on sandy, nacoming up. back to you. >> thank you. residents on the east coast pulling out the sandbags. >> utility companies in our area are preparing for expected power outages. live team coverage continues with john gonzalez in
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alexandria. >> perhaps a small taste of what's to come. it's raining in alexandria, virginia. pepco has already been in contact with a number of utility companies across the middle atlantic, securing 400 contractors. we know what happens with these storms. in low-lying areas like old town alexandria, the concern is how aggressive the potomac will get. the powerful storm already pounded the caribbean, leaving 21 dead. sandy appears to be losing steam as it heads our way. there's a winter storm brewing in the northeast as well, the ingredients of a super storm. residents in old town alexandria have sandbags on standby. >> any time something like this happens, we lose a lot of money. >> locals were about erosion and widespread damage. >> i hate to see it all disappear. >> power outages and massive
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flooding are on everyone's mind. pepco crews are expecting lines in college park. and d.c. water said crews to clear the sewers and the drains. >> i'm concerned about my children. my son is on another street and my daughter is in another area. >> experts predict about $1 billion in damages with this rare mix of weather conditions. >> thanks so much. let's check on the roads. >> good morning. relatively quiet. not much to tell you about. leaving virginia into the nation's capital across the 14th street bridge, that's a great ride. no problems in the third street tunnel and the southeast southwest freeway. inside the new york stretch, that's fine. that's nice. no traffic. the beltway wrapping up road
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work just in time. no problems in tysons or near silver spring and bethesda on the beltway. back to you. >> thank you. we continue following breaking news out of leesburg, virginia. police investigating a suspicious death of a woman in her 20s. officers found her after being alerted by relatives of the victim after they cannot make contact with her for days. she was inside an apartment in northeast in the 800 block of edwards' perini road. it is an isolated incident and quiznos spread to the public. -- with no threat to the public. >> president obama has a live interview with mtv today. >> mitt romney will be campaigning in iowa. the focus turns to a patrol boats in ohio. >>-- the focus turns to ohio for
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electoral votes. >> whoever wins the price data will most certainly win the white house -- whoever wins the buckeye state will almost certainly win the white house. the president was campaigning there last night. >> if mitt romney had been president when the automobile industry was on the verge of collapse, we might not have an american auto industry today. it supports one eighth of ohio jobs. >> romney is fighting back. >> my priority is jobs. we will get them here in ohio. >> both campaigns are trying to lock down their supporters and get them to the polls now in states that have early voting. the president cast his vote yesterday in chicago. first lady michelle obama joked about the obama camp's turnout
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effort on jimmy kimmel. as the campaign winds down, the race has taken a nasty turn. president obama, joking about children and the election and said, "kids have good instincts, they could look at the other guy and say, that is a bs'er. andtahman bradley reporting. >> it is 60 degrees. >> new details into a campaign scandal involving the son of
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anncr: it's said that character is what we do... when we think no one is looking. mitt romney: believe that they are victims. anncr: mitt romney thought no one was looking when... he attacked forty-seven percent of americans. his companies shipped jobs overseas. his plan cuts millionaires' taxes, but raises yours. he'll voucherize medicare... and make catastrophic cuts to education. so remember what romney said... and what his plan would do. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message.
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>> good morning. meteorologist jacqui jeras on this foggy start, but its mild, 63 degrees with the dew point of 59. when we see a close spread, that's when we get fog. wind out of the northeast at 7 miles an hour. there is 6 miles visibility in d.c., 7 manassas, two miles in fredericksburg, so use caution.
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a category one hurricane is moving through the western bahamas with a maximum sustained winds of 80 miles an hour. it is growing in size. it extends out to under 75 miles from the center of the storm and is expected to grow in size as it parallels the east coast. possible impact for us will be flooding from heavy rain, leads down clogging the drains, lots of coastal issues not just because of a storm surge but there will be a full moon. trees could be down from high wind. and power outages can be expected. for today, morning fog and drizzle giving way to partly sunny skies this afternoon. high temperature of 68-72. and a cooldown in the seven-day forecast. next, traffic. >> good morning. poor visibility this morning in
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spots. poor visibility in springfield. northbound 95 right here. not much volume out of newington and over the beltway. you mheard me mention a crash around lorton but it's not causing much of a back up. from the beltway and inbound 14th street bridge into the nation's capital, it is quiet new york avenue is good. beltway is open. back to you. >> thank you. it is 60 degrees outside on this friday morning. >> a painful night for the detroit tigers in more ways than one. find out if state could end
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now this i mmm. i don't know,w i think i might bail. yeah it's pretty dead. [ male announcer ] one is never enough. new kfc dip'ems. freshly prepared tenders dipped in irresistible sauces. try a 20 pc bucket with 6 sauces.
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with over 200 varieties, keurig makes brewing a delicious cup of coffee simple. how does it brew such great coffee? well... inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee and if you travel up this mountain, there's this huge coffee grinder. and then the coffee lands in this cup
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and water rushes through. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. >> welcome back. >> let's find out what's happening overseas in afghanistan. >> the death toll in attack in afghanistan has killed at least 41 people. the death toll could rise. seven more have been injured. a suicide bomber struck at a mosque in northern afghanistan during morning pierced. this is the first day of the aid of hunholy days. we will bring you any updates as we get them. >> virginia congressman jim
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moran speaking out about to an investigation into an undercover video featuring his son. arlington police began the probe after a conservative group released this video of patrick moran allegedly discussing a plan to commit a voter fraud. democrat said he does not support the group's actions but admits that his son's comments did show a serious error in judgment. patrick were man has since left the campaign. -- patrick moran. >> now the forecast. with forecast >> we have a few days to go before we see an impact from sandy. it is important to be ready for the storm. if it does take a turn to us, we could have power outages for days and fthat's the worst-case scenario. the best case scenario is it would go up to our north and we would just get the blustery conditions and some rainfall.
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we could use a little rainfall. let's show you what's happening this morning. 63 degrees is the temperature with a pretty high dew point of 59. we have a light wind preventing the fog from becoming too dense. we're getting occasional light rain at. just tiny droplets. 63 degrees at reagan national, 62 at dulles, 63 in manassas, 62 at bwi, 61 in gaithersburg and 59 in frederick. a mild start with an easterly wind " and influence from the ocean. you can see a lot of the coast with clouds. off to our west is a strong cold front that has brought snowfall to the midwest and will slow down as it approaches us and will really drop our temperatures by the weekend. that is the front that connects
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with sandy a little. chris carr is sandy, a category one hurricane, maximum winds of 80 miles an hour. it has gone down in intensity but look at how big this thing is. it's well over 1,500 miles across, the cloud she'll. the clouds already setting up in the carolinas. the center of it in the northwestern parts of the the bahamas. we believe it will be a long duration event affecting millions of people in the midlantic and the northeast for several days. the computer model forecasts are still spread out, but confidence is growing that we will see an impact and maybe things could head a little too hard or at. that would be better for us. expected to combine with a strong cold front. some of that will weaken the storm on the west side because of the wind shear, but the jet stream is so strong that it could cost intensification.
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that's why we're getting norms like frankenstorm because it's pretty rare to see something like this. we will have to watch this the next couple days. today we are preparing for the prthreat. sunshine this afternoon, low 70's. temperatures dropping into the sixties this weekend. two more days before start to feel the impact. we will not be done until wednesday. let's check on traffic with jamee whitten. >> thanks for that information. this friday the commute looks fine, no problems on 66, greenway, the toll road. a couple cameras 395 off the beltway, to and across the 14th street bridge, no delays. u.s. park police have everything clear on rock creek parkway suitland parkway, b-w parkway we
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always like to get that good news. the beltway through tysons, overnight construction wrapped up. maryland, bella vita bethesda, silver spring, college park looking good. in glenmont, it's quiet. looks good on georgia avenue and on connecticut avenue out of kensington looking good. >> microsoft's new operating system finally goes on sale. >> paula faris has details. >> after weeks of speculation windows 8 goes on sale, a radical departure replacing the start button on the home screen. it gets high marks. >> you get the new applications from the left side, so it's easy. and you can read your e-mail on the right side and search the web on the left. >> that's nice. and the first all try high- definition tv went on sale thursday in the u.s., 8 million
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pixels. and this new smartphone can make you feel like james bond. it features a 4.7 inch screen, a 14 megapixel camera and is featured in the new double 07 film and it goes on sale next week.
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[ female announcer ] it's deliciously dark just before dawn. it's a rainy morning becoming a caramel drizzle. with folgers gourmet selections you can turn any day gourmet. new roasts, new flavors and a new look. man on radio: release the pumpkins. releasing the pumpkins. catch the great taste of pumpkin before it's gone.
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hurry into dunkin' donuts and grab a pumpkin muffin or donut today. america runs on dunkin'. anncr: their ads, hopelessly untrue. a west virginia casino launching the biggest ad barrage ever. don't be misled. the washington post says question seven is just... common sense. it'll create 4,000 permanent jobs. and stop maryland fr losing millions to other states... every year. that's why business, labor, and teachers all support... question seven. and so does the washington post. vote for question seven. it's just common sense.
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>> finally gets it.
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looks for williams in the corner. got it. >> tampa bay upset the vikings. tampa is 3-4 on the season and minnesota 5-3. >> and the pittsburgh steelers will play this sunday. >> game two of the world series. >> detroit in san francisco tigers trying to climb back into it. if we will pick it up in the second inning. the picture gets hit by a line drive up the middle so far that it ricocheted off his head. bam. he stayed in the game and he pitched pretty well. now to the bottom of the seventh inning, giants with bases
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loaded, and playing small. 1-0, giants, they go on to win game 2, with a final of 2-0. now to game 3 and detroit is in some kind of trouble. have a great day. >> 5:26. the man behind one of the most successful careers in sports history is getting ready to retire. >> nba commissioner david stern has announced he will retire ferber first of 2014. that will be 30 years to the day that he took charge. he will be replaced by the deputy commissioner. stern has been a long disserving commissioner and help established the nba globally. >> it is 60 degrees. the news continues at 5:30. >> and the latest on the path of hurricane sandy. how local agencies are getting
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ready. >> and a gruesome case out of new york with ties to our area. more on a police officer posing alleged plot to kidnap and
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>> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> plenty of residents along the east coast will be spending t weekend stocking up on storm supplies as they prepare for hurricane sandy. good morning, washington. it's friday, october 26. i am cynne simpson. >> i am steve chenevey. we want to get to jacqui jeras with a look at the storm. >> we have some big changes ahead. this storm will impact millions. today it is foggy.
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a little fuzzy on the top of the washington monument. the lincoln memorial looks very clear. 63 degrees is our temperature. a little fog me with a lot of low-level clouds all across the region. visibility is 6 miles and washington, 8 miles at dulles, five in gaithersburg. in petersburg, 3 miles and the same in quantico. so we do have issues in low- lying areas. sandy is a category one hurricane, moving to the northwestern mu bahamas. it is weakening, but it will impact a lot of people. i hope that it will go up to the north. today, 62 at 9:00, 68 by noon with a little sunshine by this afternoon, much like yesterday. on sandy in a moment. first, back to news.
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>> hurricane sandy comes as prince george's county is getting ready for bad weather with snow and ice exercises. >> but it is sure to be a top concern i. brianne carter has more. >> it's not even halloween and in prince george's county they are preparing for what may come later this winter in terms of snow and ice. the timing could not be more perfect. if we are talking about what may be coming this weekend. we could be talking about a very severe weather headed our way. talk about what the county is doing to prepare if we have severe weather sunday through tuesday. >> in addition to preparing for the snow and ice we are preparing for the upcoming storm. hopefully, it will go someplace else. but at the department of public works and transportation, we in
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addition to checking for roadway hazards, they are also looking for anything that would be an impediment to staff getting around during the storm or other county vehicles getting around. they will check the storm drains and those things. they're also doing that as part of the dry run. at our command center we have folks from the county command center the emergency operations center, working with us. they're preparing to open that center, should the need arise. >> this is happening on a morning we are doing the snow and ice and dry run. talk about what this process is like for the drivers and the cruise -- crews. >> our drivers are all season drivers for the most part. this is basically to familiarize them again with their routes and to let them see if there are any pot holes, storm drain
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covers anything like that which could be an impediment to them providing service to the residents. they will make note of that and call it in on their radios and the staff will go out after the dry run to address those kind of things. especially today with the storm in the forecast, they will be looking doubly hard for anything that could create a problem in the county. they are looking at tree limbs that could be in the wires so we can get those addressed. we work with the electric companies. if folks are interested, they can get on notify me prince george's to get a text message about what's happening in prince george's and what they short or should not do -- should or should not doanddo. and we're asking people to call 311 instead of 911 for concerns
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or problems. if it's not an emergency, 311. roadways, drainage flooding, for example. >> another thing to tell you you will be able to monitor all the trucks as they start hitting on the roads, for the first time this winter. lots of preparation going on today and throughout the weekend in case hurricane sandy makes an impact in our region. brianne carter reporting, abc 7 news. >> breaking news out of leesburg, virginia. police investigating a suspicious death. the family of a hispanic woman in her 20s called police desk before 1:00 this morning saying they had not heard from her in several days. police found the woman dead but have not released her cause of death. they don't have anyone in
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custody. they say it is an isolated incident and that there's no threat to the community. >> more breaking news. jummy olabanji has the latest. >> nicholas monfort, a top executive of exxonmobil has been killed in the belgian capital of brussels. he and his wife were leaving a restaurant and walking towards their car when two men tried to grab a woman's purse --gramm and his wife's purse. he was shot four times and died at the scene. a spokesperson for exxonmobil released a statement a short time ago saying they are "shocked by this very tragic death." we are following the story from overseas and will update you as we get more information. back to you. >> thank you. investigators are caught will have caught up with a man wanted for killing a woman in glenarden. michael briscoe of landover was arrested yesterday in
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alexandria. he shot and killed the d.c. woman early on sunday morning at a home on hamlin st.. investigators believe he killed her after she got into a fight with his girlfriend. a new york city police officer accused of plotting to torture women has ties to our area. a warning, some of what you are about to hear is disturbing. prosecutors say new york city police officer gilberto valle plotted to kidnap, kill, cook, and eat 100 women. that includes one woman he met in maryland. he graduated from the university of maryland in 2006 after studying psychology and criminal-justice. the news was shocking to current maryland students. >> that's terrible. it's worse than anything i've ever seen on tv. >> he was suspended after his arrest and is being held without bail. they received a tip from his estranged wife.
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none of the women were actually harmed. 60 degrees on this friday morning. >> learning more about the suspected gunman it in a deadly shooting at a [ male announcer ] citibank's app for ipad makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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[ male announcer ] jay likes it when his mobile phone helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature's cool like that. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> looked at the deadbeats i have to work with at the haunted
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forest in maryland. happy halloween. and good morning, washington. >> good morning. meteorologist jacqui jeras. we are all concerned about halloween and what the storm could do to our forecast. hopefully, it's out of here by then. still questionable as to how the storm will impact the mid- atlantic. it will bring us some wind and the threat of floods as well. today we are waking up to foggy conditions. that will be the rule throughout most of the morning along with low level clouds. our temperatures are very mild, 63 in d.c., 62 degrees in dulles. this is the latest on hurricane sandy, moving through the bahamas. in miami florida you can see
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the rain that has been coming down and overcast conditions. there have been reports of wind at 54 miles an hour on the florida coast. so the entire state will be impacted as well as parts of georgia and the carolinas. so there are unusual features with this storm as it looks up with. the cold with but we are in the cone of uncertainty. it will hit us sooner if we get a left-hand turn and it heads more toward southern virginia and later if we get more of a northeasterly turn. everyone from new york city to boston will see some type of rain and wind. morning fog this morning and partly sunny this afternoon 68-72 degrees. now, traffic. >> not only is it friday, but this is calm before the start. marc trains, metro rail, vre, no
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reported delays or problems. if you are using interstate '95 the northbound trip out of stafford is about average, a little volume in triangle building as well as dale city. a still pretty decent pace out of newington and up to the beltway. the 14th street bridge into town, the quiet. no problems on the beltway. 270, we typically see delays at this time of morning, but not much from urbana towards 109. it's wide open to germantown, rockville, and to the beltway. 50 295 day north avenue quiet. back to you. >> thank you. a shocking case, what a nanny is ac
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>> tonight at 5:00 o'clock, imagine a world without homework. a local elementary school is associating whipped -- is experimenting with that model. is it working and what the parents think? answers tonight at 5:00. >> at 6:00 we will check in with pepco about its preparations for a big storm dubbed "frankenstorm"." >> ♪ ♪ >> you have heard his music. local producer and singer ryan leslie about his new album working with some of the top artist in the business. he will join us in the 6:00 hour. also, under the people expected to attend a funeral service for former presidential candidate and senator george mcgovern. vice president joe biden joined family friends, and other guests for prayer service for
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last night in south dakota. the veteran and 1972 nominee will be buried eventually in rock creek park. he died last sunday at the age of 90. >> around the nation, learning more about an incident in our area. a man accused of killing a volunteer at a georgia megachurch. he's from baltimore. floyd palmer shot and wounded a man while working security at a baltimore mosque in 2001. he was committed to a psychiatric hospital after pleading not criminally responsible for the shooting. he's expected to be in court today. he will face charges related to wednesday's shooting near atlanta. also on the upper west side of new york, police are investigating the stabbing deaths of two children this allegedly happening by their nanny. the mother returned to her luxury apartment thursday near central park to find the bodies of her 1-year-old son and 6-
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year-old daughter in the bathtub. and the nanny was found with a self-inflicted knife wound. she's in the hospital. >> learning more about a teenager charged in the murder of a 10-year-old colorado girl. the 17-year-old austin confessed to abducting and killing jessica ridgeway and attacking a runner in may. authorities have overwhelming dna evidence against him. prosecutors say he will formally be charged as an adult next week. >> halloween costumes in the office it might scare some of your co-workers. >> and amazon, a profit shortfall. explaining living social. let's turn to linda bell at blumberg in new york to find out. >> amazon shares expected to make -- take a hit in today's trading. the company has been focusing its money on opening new warehouses to speed up delivery
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and operating expenses have been on the rise. and it was hurt by higher costs for its investment in living social, based in d.c. amazon has invested $175 million in the coupon service since 2010 and has lost 95% of its value. living social's ceo wrote a memo to its workers that the volatile market has also affected similar technology companies and is looking to reassure workers of its financial position. is it ever appropriate to wear a halloween costume to work? a survey found 60% of employees will hold a halloween party. of those attending, one in 10 plan to wear costumes to work. just keep it clean. 51% of employees say it's ok for hr to get involved if they find your costume inappropriate. linda bell reporting for abc 7 news. back to you. >> thank you.
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sandy is moving in our direction. how big a concern is it now? >> a big concern. we have growing confidence in the forecast track and that we will be impacted by it. still questionable as to how severe. there's more consensus that to the north of us would be a much better scenario, but we do need to prepare for a direct hit, however. people should be prepared regardless, because hurricane season is all the way through november 30. we have a couple days before start seeing the influence of sandy. today our big concern outside of that is we have some fog developing in the region and it is a little misty in a few locations. 63 degrees, dew point of 59 with very light winds at this time. temperatures a little cooler off to the west. 59 in winchester. 81 in culpeper. 62 at dulles.
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throughout the region and there is reduced visibility in spots. 5 mile visibility mostly. below 3 miles is when it gets to be a problem. that's what we see in fredericksburg. the cautious and go slow in low- lying areas on the road. the wind is coming from the east once again. the low level clouds across most of the mid-atlantic. it will be tough to break out of this today, like yesterday. a cold front off to our west will be hooking up with sandy. that's why we call it a hybrid storm, because sandy will likely lose some of its tropical characteristics and get intensified by the jet stream. it is a category one hurricane packing winds of 80 miles an hour. it's becoming a little bit more lopsided as drier air has been diffused into the hurricane. the jet stream wind will keep a strong even if it loses the tropical characteristics.
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this is a very large storm as well. even if you don't get a direct hit by the center of the storm you will feel bint far out from the center and a lot of rainfall. here's the forecast path. it is expected to move to the north and start to turn to the east and then back to the left. it will parallel the shoreline and then make a turn. that makes a challenging forecast. not to mention the intensity and all the other factors. i want to focus on the center of the line, but everybody within the corn of uncertainty will be feeling the effects. the system from across the mid- atlantic and the northeast all those people affected. flooding possible from heavy rain leaves clogging the drains sides are expected to behind, along with the storm surge.
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and storms are large, they create a bigger surge. that is a concern for the coast. trees down and high winds. we could see power outages. yuka be without power a few days if we get the brunt of the storm. morning fog giving way to partly sunny skies this afternoon 68- 72. mostly cloudy tonight with patchy fog late, 53-59. still looking pretty good tomorrow. we could see light showers. the rain and wind will pick up on sunday. monday and tuesday will be the worst days from sandy. let's check on traffic. >> not so bad, not many complaints. i'm able to see most of the traffic cameras. in maryland on 270, you can see volume but it's a little foggy in the distance. heading south beyond 109, no reports of troubles. the beltway is open. all clear on maryland and
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virginia beltway. back to you. >> thank you. 5:55 60 degrees. >> arch campbell has a review of the new movie cloud atlas. what about the story
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>> coming up for clock on " katie," taylor swift. to talk about fame and family and the inspiration behind her
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music. this interview comes amid reports she has broken up with her boyfriend, conor kennedy. >> that will get a lot of people watching. tom hanks is a new movie called a "cloud atlas." we will >> check in with arch campbell to see of this is one you should spend time with. >> good morning, washington. in a year full of strange movies, "cloud at less"wins the prize as strangest of the mall. >> past present, and future can act in "cloud at less." it takes place over 500 years. it is a mixed result works --
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worth a couple of stars. "cloud at less"runs three hours. have a great weekend, everybody. >> three hours is a dvd movie. >> exacts plea. a detroit man is willing to exchange his home for tickets to see the tigers and the world series the. >> it is a craigslist ad. >> this house has been abandoned since i have been here.


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